Relations Thailand for IMO

IMO Thailand General Information


Aide-mémoire for Thailand


Thailand General Information

International Trade of Thailand

(Ministry of Commerce and Bank of Thailand, 2021)

Container Throughput

million TEUs
Laem Chabang Port
million TEUs

Port Performance (UNCTAD, 2021)

Port Ranking
6,060 Thousand DWT
World's Top
Port of Calls
Port Liner Shipping
Connectivity Index

Thailand General Information

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia. It is the 50th largest in the world with an area of 513,120 square kilometers. And has the 20th largest population in the world, about 70 million people, has borders with neighboring countries, including Burma in the north and west Laos in the north and east Cambodia in the east
Divides the sea into 2 coasts, namely the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea, with a distance along the coast totaling about 3,148.23 kilometers The coastline of the Gulf of Thailand has a total coastline of 2,055.18 kilometers, located in the South China Sea. pacific ocean As for the Andaman Sea, it has a total coastline of 1,093.14 kilometers, open to the Indian Ocean.

The Thai Economy in the third quarter of 2022

expanded by 4.5 percent, accelerating from 2.3 percent and 2.5 percent in the first and second quarters respectively. After seasonal adjustment, the economy increased by 1.2 percent from the second quarter (%QoQ sa). In the first 9 months of 2022, the Thai economy grew by 3.1 percent.
แนวโน้มเศรษฐกิจไทยปี 2565

The Thai economy in 2023 is expected to expand within the range of 3.0 - 4.0 percent, mainly supported by (i) the recovery of the tourism sector, (ii) the expansion of both private and public investments, (iii) the continual expansion of domestic demand, and (iv) the favorable condition of agricultural sector. Private consumption expenditure, private investment, and public investment will increase by 3.0 percent, 2.6 percent, and 2.4 percent, respectively. Export value of goods in US dollar terms is anticipated to expand by 1.0 percent. Headline inflation is expected to be in arange of 2.5 - 3.5 percent, and the current account tends to register a surplus of 1.1 percent of GDP.

International Trade Expansion

Overall volume and value of both imports and exports in 2021 increase from last year.

The import volume index is 105.90 rising from 89.82in 2020 –or a 17.90% rise. And, the export volume index is 114.86 increasing from 99.47 in 2020 – or a 15.47% increase. Additionally, the value of Thai foreign trade is approximately 17,095 billion baht rising from 13,660 billion baht in 2020 – or a 25.14% growth especially in major country groups, namely, ASEAN, People's Republic of China, the European Union, the Middle East, and BIMSTEC

Thailand has a total number of ports.

It consists of a container port. Port for dry and liquid cargo

In 2022, Thailand's container throughput is 11.67 million TEUs, with Laem Chabang Port as the country's main container port. The volume of container transport was 8.73 million TEUs, an increase of 4.73% from the previous year. which is ranked as the world's 19th highest throughput container port (statistics for the first half of 2022).

Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea The total distance along the coastline is approximately 3,148.23 kilometers.

Information IMO

International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established on 1948. IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. The organization’s main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.

IMO currently has 175 Member States and 3 Associate Members (Faroes, Hong Kong and Macao). The headquarters of the IMO are located on Albert Embankment, Lambeth, London, United Kingdom.

The Organization consists of

an Assembly, a Council and 5 main Committees;

1. Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
2. Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
3. Legal Committee (LEG)
4. Technical Cooperation Committee (TCC)
5. Facilitation Committee (FAL) and a number of Sub-Committees support the work of the main technical committees.

สถานะอนุสัญญา การดำเนินงานของไทยในเวที IMO

As 22 SEP 2022

สถานะอนุสัญญา การดำเนินงานของไทยในเวที IMO

  • IMO Convention 48
  • SOLAS Convention 74
  • LOAD LINES Convention 66
  • TONNAGE Convention 69
  • COLREG Convention 72
  • STCW Convention 78
  • IMSO Convention 76
  • FACILITATION Convention 65
  • MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
  • CLC Protocol 92
  • FUND Protocol 92
  • SALVAGE Convention 89
  • OPRC Convention 90

VDO - Thailand’s Candidature for re-election to the IMO Council 2024-2025